It seems to me that the Dutch have a healthy perspective on it. At least they have a sense of humor about their attempts at orderliness. Your blog is case in point. My impression of German and Swiss orderliness, though, is that they take it maybe a little too seriously.

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I agree.

Germans really like the Dutch because of their comparitive relaxed attitudes.

Some examples:

in Germany, when adressing a professor, you say: Herr Professor, in Holland you call him by his first name.

The same with CEO's. I am pretty sure the employees of KLM (Rouyal Dutch Airlines) call the CEO by his first name.

I dance tango. German dancers like Dutch dancers because they are more relacxed and not so tense, and they are more creative. The down side is that technically Germans are better tango dancers because a Dutch dancer after 3 years of lessons thinks he is enough, and I know many German dancers who still are taking lessons after 15 years of dancing. O well, life is all about trade-offs.

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Hilarious, Henk! And I will stick to the ice-cream cones for now, thank you very much.

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That might be a good idea, Karena. A Dutch

specialty s is research into agriculture: ways to enhance plant-growing by seed-selection and cross-pollinating, genetic manipulation etc. This expertise is used to enhance the potency of marihuana as welI. It has become almost a hard drug these days.

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Selling soft drugs is also illegal but tolerated: https://www.government.nl/topics/drugs/toleration-policy-regarding-soft-drugs-and-coffee-shops. The solicitor can prosecute them for that offense if, for example, they don't comply with the 'toleration criteria'.

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